Unemployment economic problem, as it is a psychological problem, social, security, and political, and the younger generation is the generation of work and production, because power generation, energy, skill, and experience.
Young person thinking of building economic and social conditions by relying on itself, through work and production, particularly skilled, and graduates who have spent part of their lives is important in the study and specialization, and gain practical experience.
It also suffered tens of millions of young people are unemployed, due to the lack of rehabilitation, and the lack of experience they have, to a low level of education and prepare them by their governments, their parents or guardians.
Statistics confirm that there are tens of millions of unemployed people in all parts of the world of the younger generation, and therefore suffer from poverty and need and deprivation, and the failure of their health status, or being late for the marriage, and the creation of a family, or their inability to take responsibility for their families.
Unemployment damage:
Scientific statistics indicate that the bad effects of unemployment on mental health, as its effects on physical health, said that a large proportion of the unemployed lack self-esteem, and feel a failure, and they are less than others.
Also it found that the proportion of them controlled by boredom, and mental and physical alertness is low, and unemployment hinder the psychological development process for young people who are still in the stage of psychological development.
Also found that anxiety and depression and instability is increasing among the unemployed, and even extends this psychological effect on the situation of wives, and that these psychological conditions negatively reflected on the relationship the wife and children, and the growing family problems.
When people who lack religious morals, some of them offers to drink alcohol, but found that 69% of those who commit suicide, are unemployed, as a result of psychological stress increases the proportion of crime, such as murder and assault among those unemployed.
It is also the problem of unemployment is the problem of migration, leaving family and homeland, which has negative implications and consequences, as its positive effects.
The reason for the foundation of these problems among the unemployed is the lack of money, lack of availability to meet the need, the physical energy disabled because of the vacuum, especially among young people full of energy and vitality, can not find space for the discharge of such energy, it leads to bounce him that energy to pulled down psychologically , causing him many problems.
And turn unemployment in many countries of the world to complex fundamental problems, perhaps toppled some governments, Cases of demonstrations, violence and vengeance directed against the rulers and owners of capital, officials in the eyes of understanding unemployed unemployment problem.
Islam and unemployment:
Islam has analyzed the problem of unemployment and the financial need analysis psychologically, physically as analyzed by analysis.
Some of which are narrated from the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) as saying: (The self-made power if stabilized).
And Imam Jafar Sadiq (peace be upon him) said: (The self may Tltat its owner, if you do not have to live that depend on it, and if the court is satisfied strength is made).
This text reveals the scientific analysis of the relationship between the psychological aspect of human and between the availability of material needs, and its impact on the stability and peace of mind, and that the need and poverty cause depression, anxiety and instability, and the consequent complex health problems, such as diseases of the digestive tract, and sugar, blood pressure, and body aches, and others.
And unemployment is the primary cause of poverty and need and deprivation, so called for Islam to work, hating unemployment and void, and even enjoined work in order to provide the necessary needs of the individual, to support the answer supported by him.
In order to struggling Islam unemployment called for professionalism, ie to learn crafts, such as trade, and mechanics, tailoring and fabrics industry, agriculture, etc. of character.
It says in the Hadith: (that God loves Professional Secretary).
The Koran drew attention to the work and production, and the request for a livelihood, he said: (Walk in the paths thereof and eat of His Resurrection to him), King 15.
He also said: (If I spent the prayer finished, then disperse in the land and seek the grace of God) Friday 10.
He said the Holy Prophet (may Allah bless him and his family) Kaljhad work for God's sake, it was narrated that (peace be upon him) as saying: (barely on his dependents Kalmjahid in the way of Allah).
It was narrated from Imam Ali (peace be upon him) as saying: (The things to Azdugt couple laziness, disability, poverty vantage between them).
In the emphasis on warning of unemployment and laziness and emptiness, we read what came in the novel Imam Reza from his father Imam Kadhim (peace be upon them), he said: (Dad said to some of his son: beware of laziness and boredom, they prevent you from your luck in the world and the Hereafter).
The prophets and imams body (peace be upon them) and the righteous (God bless them), the embodiment of these principles in practice, were working in the sheep grazing, agriculture, trade, tailoring, carpentry.
Imam Ali al-Rida has explained (peace be upon him), it has been a transfer of his companions, he said: I saw Abu Hassan (peace be upon him) works in the home, you may Astnqat foot in the race, I said to him: Make Fdak, where are the men?
He said (peace be upon him): (Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and his family) and the faithful and fathers, all of them had worked with their hands, which is the work of the prophets and messengers, guardians and righteous).
All this provides for the younger generation aware of the value of work, and a deep understanding of the dangers of unemployment, which invite them to provide enough material, and personal dignity of work and production, and stay away from unemployment and laziness.
One of the first requirements to work in our time, is the literal and vocational rehabilitation, and to gain practical experience, the work fills the void, and save young people from psychological crises, and meets his ambition is to provide happiness, and building the future.
How reap regimes and governments, particularly the capitalist countries, and corporate monopolies, the generations of young people in the Third World, Bastellaiha the bounty and wealth, and ignite wars and conflicts and strife fire, and the consumption of hundreds of billions armament and fighting, which consumes the wealth of these peoples, and put it under the pressure of unemployment and poverty, underdevelopment and deprivation .
So we must arm ourselves with the political and social awareness, and we are working to invest our resources, and the development of production and services for present and future generations.